
  >>>>>Грамматика >>>>>Indefinite Proper

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Indefinite Pronouns.

These pronouns have classification of their own. They are subdivides into

  •       Indefinite proper

  •     Distributive

  •      Negative

  •      Quantitative

          Indefinite pronouns proper are some, somebody, someone, something, any, anybody ,anyone, anything and one in the meaning of some. For example: I saw her one day. One John Smith came to see you.


Some grammarians regard one as an indefinite-personal pronoun in such cases as “One must do one’s duty”. But it seems more reasonable to regard it as a generalized-personal pronoun. This pronoun has the category of case/common and possessive or genitive/ . Some and any are both noun and adjective pronouns ,one is only an adjective pronoun. The compounds are only noun-pronouns .Those with –body and –one have the category of case.

Commonly some and compounds with it occur in affirmative sentences. But their use is possible in interrogative sentences ,firstly ,when the question does not refer to the pronouns that is ,when the sentence expresses rather an offer or request. For example: “Would you like to have some coffee?” “Can I have some more tea?”. Secondly ,when the pronoun imply previous knowledge .For  example : “Do you know something?” “Can I ask you something?”

Note that the use of any and compounds with it is typical of if-clauses .For example: ”It’ll cost us our jobs if anything goes wrong


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